Principal of the Day

I was told to step in as principal since Ms.Tanikawa is out sick today. The first thing I would do as a principal is give out free ice cream to the whole school because I know for sure most of my students would enjoy it and have a lot of fun. The second thing I would do is make sure that all classes are doing good so I would go and check up on them because it is a part of my duty as a principal. The third thing I would do if I was principal is get better food for the school like fast food that people like with a fruit or veggie because a lot of times students would prefer better foods. I would do a majority vote on the fast food each week Another thing I would do is add vending machines to our campus so people can buy snacks if they forgot there snacks because sometimes people aren’t as hungry for a bunch of food and they rather have snacks. The last and finally thing I would do is put an ice machine next to each water fountain because a lot of kids love ice with their water and they would prefer water better with ice. These are the things I would put if I were principal.

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